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List view record 1: The Wonder [electronic resource]List view anchor tag for record 1: The Wonder [electronic resource]
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The Wonder [electronic resource]

Donoghue, Emma2022
'An old-school page turner with crackling intensity' Stephen King'Powerful, compulsively readable' Irish TimesEleven-year-old Anna O'Donnell stops eating, but remains miraculously alive and well. A nurse, sent to investigate whether she is a fraud, meets a journalist hungry for a story . . .Set i...
List view record 2: The wonderList view anchor tag for record 2: The wonder
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The wonder

Donoghue, Emma, 1969-2022
An eleven-year-old girl stops eating, but remains miraculously alive and well. A nurse, sent to investigate whether she is a fraud, meets a journalist hungry for a story. Set in the Irish Midlands in the 1850s, 'The Wonder' - inspired by numerous European and North American cases of 'fast...
List view record 3: The wonder [text(large print)]List view anchor tag for record 3: The wonder [text(large print)]
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The wonder [text(large print)]

Donoghue, Emma, 1969-2017
Large Print
An eleven-year-old girl stops eating, but remains miraculously alive and well. A nurse, sent to investigate whether she is a fraud, meets a journalist hungry for a story. Set in the Irish Midlands in the 1850s, 'The Wonder' - inspired by numerous European and North American cases of 'fast...
List view record 4: The wonderList view anchor tag for record 4: The wonder
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The wonder

Donoghue, Emma, 1969-2017
An eleven-year-old girl stops eating, but remains miraculously alive and well. A nurse, sent to investigate whether she is a fraud, meets a journalist hungry for a story. Set in the Irish Midlands in the 1850s, 'The Wonder' - inspired by numerous European and North American cases of 'fast...
[9 copies, 6 available]
List view record 5: The Wonder [electronic resource]List view anchor tag for record 5: The Wonder [electronic resource]
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The Wonder [electronic resource]

Donoghue, Emma2016
An eleven-year-old girl stops eating, but remains miraculously alive and well. A nurse, sent to investigate whether she is a fraud, meets a journalist hungry for a story. Set in the Irish Midlands in the 1850s, The Wonder - inspired by numerous European and North American cases of 'fastin...
List view record 6: The wonderList view anchor tag for record 6: The wonder
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The wonder

Donoghue, Emma, 1969-2016
A village in 1850s Ireland is baffled by Anna O'Donnell's fast. A little girl appears to be thriving after months without food, and the story of this 'wonder' has reached fever pitch. Tourists flock in droves to the O'Donnell family's modest cabin, and an international journalist is sent to...
List view record 7: The wonderList view anchor tag for record 7: The wonder
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The wonder

Donoghue, Emma, 1969-2016
An eleven-year-old girl stops eating, but remains miraculously alive and well. A nurse, sent to investigate whether she is a fraud, meets a journalist hungry for a story. Set in the Irish Midlands in the 1850s, 'The Wonder' - inspired by numerous European and North American cases of 'fast...
[6 copies, 5 available]
List view record 8: The Pull of the Stars [electronic resource]List view anchor tag for record 8: The Pull of the Stars [electronic resource]